Last 20th of March, we celebrated the first International Happiness Day. This day has been established to promote the idea that all human beings seek happiness and it is a goal that all the governments should take into account when designing their political and socio-economic policies.
This initiative to declare a day of happiness came from Bhutan, the birthplace of the concept of the Gross National Happiness Index (GNH), which rejects the sheer use of economic and material wealth as an indicator of development rather than a more holistic outlook, where spiritual well-being of citizens and communities is given much more importance and influence.
Therefore, if we had to decide or measure our degree of happiness, what would you say? I'd say I'm definitely happy. Check some answers to this question by clicking here.
Marcus Aurelius said "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." What do you think?
Undoubtedly, getting up every morning and fight for our life seems to be exceedingly difficult nowadays, but instead of blaming society or even ourselves for it, we have to count our blessings and try to help ourselves so as to be able to help others achieve this goal. But, do we have the possibility of being happy inside us? Is it a question of attitude and way of thinking or not? Is the way society has developed what makes us feel unhappy?
Common, guys, smile, think a little bit and leave your comments.